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Reading Series
Latest Past Events
Portfolio – Délani Valin
Black Rabbit 321 Selby St, NanaimoPortal's reading series is back for fall 2023! Join us in the attic where keynote speaker Délani Valin will read from her debut poetry collection, Shapeshifters.
Portfolio – Tawahum Bige
Black Rabbit 321 Selby St, NanaimoJoin us in the attic for our 2023 Portfolio Series—our next event features Two Spirit author Tawahum Bige, who will be reading poetry from their debut collection, Cut to Fortress.
Portfolio – Frances Peck
Black Rabbit 321 Selby St, NanaimoJoin us in the attic for our Portfolio Reading Series! Our next event features fiction author Frances Peck, who will be reading selections from her debut novel, The Broken Places. Opening readers include Henry Osbourne, Nicole Kaastra, Liz Baltzer, and Alyssa Cunningham.